Welcome to CBA IT Institute, we have over 12 years of expertise

Course Duration

Fifteen Months.

Totall Class

Lecture 160+

Course Fee

BDT 50,000/-

MERN Stack Development (Js)

MERN Stack is a combination of four different technologies that is used to develop a website in an efficient manner. In this course, you can gain your expertise in three areas- Web Development, Web Design and App Development. Most of the companies nowadays are using the MERN Stack Programme for its easily customizable, cost-effective features. Enroll in this course to develop your skills in this field. A full-stack developer has expertise in several areas- project planning, front end, back end and software code development are some of the skills that you will acquire in this course. Completing all the topics and project works, you can be eligible for several positions including web designer, web developer, app developer and MERN Stack developer. In addition, you will have an in-depth understanding of the concepts, coding process and database needed to develop websites.

Course Modules

  • * * Concept Of Web Design * Bootstrap, Materialize, Semantic UI * SCSS * Concept Of ECMAScript * DOM Manipulation * Object-Oriented Programming * Asynchronous Programming * Hard Part Of JavaScript * Deep JavaScript * React And React Native * Redux With React * React Router * Hooks * Styled Component * React Animation * Node JS * Express JS * Template Engines * Rest Api * GraphQL * MongoDB * MySQL * Firebase * Socket.Io

Course Projects

  • * 10 Projects Submission

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